‘Booze It & Lose It’ campaign seeks to fight drunk driving
By KevinMarcilliat, In Drunk Driving, 0 CommentsThe end of summer is a time of celebration for students, and young people gather around bonfires and try to enjoy the last few days of vacation before going back to school. For many students, alcohol is a common element of these celebrations, and unfortunately, this can lead to dangerous situations.
North Carolina police officers are well aware of the trend, and well as the surge in alcohol-related incidents during the long Labor Day weekend. Surges in drunk driving related accidents are common around holiday weekends, so police forces often make an effort to place extra officers on duty at these times of the year.
This holiday weekend is no exception. Authorities have already set up extra patrols seeking out drunk drivers, a move that will continue until September 2. The enforcement surge coincides with the state’s “Booze It & Lose It” campaign, which seeks to remind students that a drunk driving conviction will cost them their license, and encourage them to use safe transportation. Readers may have already seen the public service announcements on television or social media websites.
Campaigns like this one can be an effective law enforcement tool, but officers involved should remember to always follow proper procedures. Drunk driving campaigns often draw in a large number of people; authorities and defense attorneys must remember to carefully check the merits of each individual case. It is easy to assume the guilt of a large group of people who have been arrested on a holiday weekend, but to do so would be a great injustice to those who have been accused.
Source: WTVD-TV, “North Carolina launches campaign against drunken driving” No Author Given, Aug. 18, 2013