
How a North Carolina Sex Crime Conviction Can Affect Your Future

At Marcilliat & Mills PLLC, our Raleigh defense attorneys know that few criminal offenses carry more stigma than sex crimes. Even if you have been convicted of a sex crime and paid

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What is the Chain of Custody & Why Does It Matter During My North Carolina Criminal Case?

At Marcilliat & Mills PLLC, our experienced criminal defense attorneys in Raleigh place a significant emphasis on reviewing the evidence the prosecutor’s office has to use against our clients during their cases.

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What are the Different Types of Cybercrimes in North Carolina?

Earlier this year, the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s criminal complaint division released their annual internet crimes statistics, including our state’s breakdown of internet offenses. In short, the report identifies nearly 792,000 suspected

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What to Do When You are Facing Sexual Assault Charges on a North Carolina Campus

At Marcilliat & Mills PLLC, our Raleigh sex crimes defense attorneys know that over the past decade, accusations of sexual assaults on college and university campuses across the country have increased significantly.

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Are There Real-World Consequences for Metaverse Behavior?

At the Marcilliat & Mills PLLC, our skilled criminal defense attorneys in Raleigh know that online virtual worlds are already functioning in real-time, as platforms like Roblox and Second Life have

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Is there a Difference Between Teen Sexting and Child Pornography in North Carolina?

At Marcilliat & Mills PLLC, our experienced criminal defense attorneys know that anyone with a smartphone has endless forms of communication at their fingertips. When they use these devices to send

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After Oregon trailblazes the path to decriminalizing drugs, will others follow suit?

November’s election brought sweeping changes throughout much of the country. Voters approved measures to legalize recreational marijuana in four states. Medical marijuana was approved in two others. And Oregon became

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What Happens When a North Carolina Teacher is Facing Sex Crimes?

At the Marcilliat & Mills PLLC, our Raleigh criminal defense attorneys know that being accused of a sex crime is life-changing for any of our North Carolina residents, as the stigma of

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How Should I Handle a Felony Arrest Warrant in North Carolina?

If you believe or are aware that a warrant has been issued for your arrest in North Carolina, do not take any chances with the police, your safety, or your

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What is the Difference Between State & Federal Crimes in North Carolina?

At Marcilliat & Mills PLLC, our skilled Raleigh criminal defense attorneys understand that the only thing more intimidating than being charged with a state crime in North Carolina is being charged with a

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